The Original Corporate Escapologist

Well, not quite. But I’m trying to own the title.

I’m Adam Forbes, author of the BEST SELLER Corporate Escapology: A practical guide to breaking free and moving on. Buy it on Amazon now!

I spent 25 years working happily and successfully within the four walls of major corporates in marketing, strategy, business development and finance, working within energy, retail, government and consulting – bp, Shell, Aramco, BT, Cabinet Office, John Lewis to name a few.

I saw at first-hand what happens when re-structuring or other significant disruptions to the workforce results in individuals making the choice to leave or having that decision forced upon them, and observed how talented people from across all levels and roles often struggle to see beyond traditional corporate career paths.

In 2020 I made my own leap, establishing myself in a new career as a valued advisor to corporates, startups and individuals, as well as founder of Familiarize, a marketing consultancy for start-ups, and programme director for Startupbootcamp.

I write a successful blog as the Corporate Escapologist about my time leaving a leading corporate to start up a new business and build a more varied, dynamic career designed around my values and needs. My Corporate Escapology podcast features people who have left corporate life to build new careers using the skills, experiences and know-how they gained during their corporate career.

Corporate Escapology

Through my work coaching and advising fellow Corporate Escapologists preparing to leave corporate jobs, through choice or redundancy, I have identified a simple method to help them move effectively through the stages of disorientation, fear and panic, to a greater appreciation of their own capabilities and options for the next phase of their careers.

If you’re looking to escape corporate life, book a 20 minute Discovery Call with me to understand your objectives and see if the Escape Method could help.