

Corporate Escapology helps people prepare to leave their corporate jobs safely and successfully through coaching, workshops and content.


Corporate Escapology helps people prepare to leave their corporate jobs safely and successfully through coaching, workshops and content. |


Corporate Escapology the BEST-SELLING Book is a practical guide to breaking free and moving on. A proven five-step method to help people detach from corporate life, recognise their value, develop their offer, and make and sustain a safe, successful exit.

If you’re preparing to leave corporate life – either by choice or by force – Corporate Escapology will help you feel confident, purposeful and equipped for what comes next.

Adam Forbes, an escapee himself, writes the Corporate Escapologist blog and is host of the Corporate Escapology podcast.


The Escape Method is a five-step approach to preparing to leave corporate life - without taking unnecessary risks.

It forms the foundation of Corporate Escapology and is built on research of hundreds of people who have successfully left corporate life to build more rewarding lives using their skills, experience and know-how.

  • Bad thinking about ourselves and what we can really do can set in when we do the same thing day after day. Confidence declines fast if we’re not being regularly tested.

    Detach helps you recognise what’s great about your corporate career - and what you need to leave behind. It also helps you get clear what you want and need from your exit.

  • You are more than your job title and your CV. Many of the skills, experience and knowhow we carry around with us is quite unconscious - and it can be highly valuable outside. The way you problem solve, the way you bring people along with you, the way you look at risk, manage communications, build in quality.

    Audit helps you build a 360 degree view of the incredible offer you could make someone else. It also includes a reality check about some of your constraints and boundaries.

  • Get inspired by other people’s stories and expand your thinking about what’s possible. Often we pattern match loosely understood roles like coach, mentor, consultant, contractor with too narrow a definition.

    Explore helps you expand your thinking, get inspired by other people’s journeys and start bringing some definition to your own.

  • You’re unlikely to be able to walk out of your corporate job and into something new without a degree of change - and without some gaps to close. Some are in your head, others maybe more practical.

    Exit helps you ready yourself for the escape, design experiments to test out and de-risk the new life before you make the move. And it helps you build the new identity, networks and capabilities you’ll need on the other side.

  • Exiting is one thing, staying outside is another. Life on the verandah looking back to your old life can be hard sometimes - you’ll look back fondly, with rose-tinted glasses and you may wonder if it was all worth it.

    Sustain is all about coping with the wobbles and keeping to the plan.


Book a 30 minute Discovery Call to discuss your objectives and find out if the Escape Method is right for you.